Yes It is always better to warm-up well before you start any exercise regime.It is a way of giving signals to your body (cardiovascular system), that you are going to begin your work out. Additionally, the risk of injuries is reduced because muscles get activated and flow of blood circulation is taken care of by the warm up. Depending on what you want to work out, warm up can extend between 3 to 10 minutes like spot jogging,jumping jacks,high knees and a few more (Align our workouts and guidelines
A set is the unique execution of an exercise movement for a certain number of times repeatedly(reps). An example: the workout routine says do 3 sets of squats with 10 reps, then do 10 squats for three times. Take a short break between the sets (30-90 seconds, depending on the intensity). Circuit training is a series of exercises,performed one after the other with little rest between the exercises. Normally the circuit can consist of 4 to 8 exercises done in continuation.
It is advisable to keep a gap of a couple of hours between the meal and workout.
It is not essential to have a fitness tracker. A simple stopwatch, watch or using a timer on your phone is good enough.
All the workouts to follow won't require any equipment and can be done at the comfort of your home. We will use our own body weight to go through the exercises.
We request you to donate Rs 50 during sign up, which will be contributed to the “Prime Ministers CARE Fund” to help tackle the COVID 19 challenges.The actual cost of our 21 day program is Rs. 150/- per person, we are offering it at a 70% discount price of Rs. 46/- per person. But wait! Paying this is optional. You can pay only if you see value in it, if not no questions asked.
A fitness habit for life and satisfaction of having contributed towards COVID'19 cause
Scientifically planned workouts for 21 days
Weekly virtual sessions anchored by a Yoska coach (participation is optional as you will have instructions and workout that you could do)
Queries addressed virtually by Yoska coaches
Stronger core at the end of 21 days (everyone's a winner)
E-certificate for participation
Leaderboard (honesty driven)
Yes it's okay to include these exercises along with your regular training routine. You could do these before or after your other workouts or even later in the day but best to get it done earlier in the day to avoid missing it out.
There is some disagreement on this topic in the world, but the overall consensus is that you probably shouldn't. Muscles need a break to rebuild before the next workout and abs are no exception Overworking any muscle, abs included, will be counterproductive to progress. Bottom line - If you are in doubt, do not exercise your abs more than every other day.
Any time is better than never! Generally speaking, morning exercise is better as it revs up the metabolism for the day, but you may want to delay morning ab exercise by an hour or more after waking up.Studies have shown that while you sleep the disks in your back become hydrophilic (fill up with water).When you first wake up you are actually taller from this and your balloon-like discs are more prone to injury from lifting and bending. So, it is probably best to wait an hour or two after waking up for the fluid in your discs to normalize before doing ab exercises or other bending/lifting activity. Also, starting with a healthy activity can lead to better health choices throughout the day. But, there is no problem with night-time abs workouts.
Most likely, Yes. Read the topic "Can I exercise my abs every day?"
There are many factors to consider such as diet and other activity that could be stalling results. You should also know that burning fat in "target areas" is an ineffective myth. Doing ab exercises will not necessarily burn stomach fat just as leg exercise will not necessarily burn leg fat. Our bodies store fat in different places and will burn fat for energy from its most convenient source (and that source may not be where exercise is taking place). For maximum results, please engage in other exercises and activities to work on all the other body parts besides consuming a healthy diet. The primary goal of this program is to strengthen your core. By following these routines the fat around your stomach may or may not reduce for various reasons mentioned previously, but it would certainly make your core stronger.
The most common reasons for neck soreness during ab exercise is pulling the head with hands and straining. You should never need to pull your head forward to accomplish a crunch or similar exercises. Try just placing your fingertips behind your ears for minimal support, if any. Also, if your soreness is from straining to hard to accomplish a rep, focus on relaxing it. You will find that relaxing the tension in your legs and neck while doing a crunch, etc. will bring a more natural and comfortable movement through the exercise as well as engage your abs at an even deeper level. Moreover,be sure that you are engaging your core while doing the crunches because we tend to move our neck assuming that we are using our abs,neck soreness can be the sign that you need to check your posture whether you are pulling your body from your core of from your other body parts.
Just breathe normally! You should NEVER hold your breath while doing ab exercises.Remember to breathe normally while counting your reps and perform the single movement using all your breath before you go to the next one. At the top of your crunch you would say "one" with all your air and breathe in again at the bottom. Then come up and say "two" with all your air, and so on. will definitely help! But in reality, no. Read on. The only way for any 6-pack to show is to have less belly fat. Ab exercises will not necessarily target belly fat, so be sure you are mixing a healthy diet along with other exercises and activities to lower your entire body fat content. The 6-pack depends on the body fat percentage of your body,one can might have strong core and yet the six pack might not be visible due to the excess body fat especially in the belly region.Even if you never get the "6-pack" look, strengthening your core is still worth all the health benefits and with increased stamina you will certainly reap great benefits.Continue taking care of the right eating routine to achieve your 6 pack look besides your ab and other body parts workout. Remember the key is consistency to get those heroic abs.
Many people consider their core only as their abdominal muscles, however it is actually a collection of muscles, which make up your torso and work together to keep your body stable. It is estimated there are close to 30 muscles that constitute the core including muscles of your back, thighs, hips and abdomen. There are two types of muscles your core is split up into: stabilisers (which support the spine) and movers (which support the stabilisers and aid with movement.) A strong core will also support the potential to build strength in other muscle groups and can increase the power and movement in your arms and legs.
Core training has many benefits from a sporting perspective and it can also help you carry out everyday movements easily and more efficiently. A good level of core fitness will allow you to complete functional movements and can also reduce lower back pain and injuries. Your balance and agility will also improve through training. The ability to lift weights correctly requires a good core, as this is where power comes from. Training this area of fitness will improve your overall athletic performance as you will be able to apply more power through other muscle movements with a strong core. Your posture will also benefit from a good core and therefore your breathing technique will improve as a result of this.
Depending on your current core fitness level, you can begin by doing a 30-minute session which is what we recommend. You can then gradually increase once your fitness improves and also based on your schedule and duration available. The length of the duration can increase as you progress with your core training. Remember that building a strong core is the first step towards completing more advanced strength moves, so as a beginner it should be a vital focus.
Yes, a good core fitness level is an essential function needed for all sports, from running to golf. Your core is what links your upper body to your lower body and therefore is the key to any movements in your arms and legs, from a tennis swing to a swimming stroke. Any power you exert during these movements also comes from your core, so if it is well conditioned then this will allow for better and stronger limb movement.Other important attributes needed for sport including balance and the ability to change direction quickly also improve as a result of core training. Therefore a well-conditioned core helps to improve your overall sporting performance.
You will receive further details via email. You have to do the assessment workouts and fill in the result in the app for getting started.
You just need a simple yoga mat to kickstart this program.
Just check the attached video of the particular exercise and ask someone to observe your form to know if it's correct.
Yes, just like warming up well before you start it's equally important to cool down. Depending on what you do in your workout, cool down for 3 to 10 minutes doing Savasana and static stretches.
If it's impossible to do it in one session it's alright to break the session in two parts.
The program is customized based on your current fitness level, the intensity of workout you will receive will be at beginner level so it is unlikely you will get injured doing these workouts. However we suggest you don’t push to a limit where you feel uncomfortable and you will be able to avoid injury.
Yes you can drink water mid way. Only drink water if you are thirsty, but do not try to gulp too much at a time.
Yes there will be virtual sessions conducted by yoska experts on monday, wednesday and friday. You will receive further details about it on our social media handles and on email correspondence.
Yes. As long as you don’t feel tired post session. Or you can take a short break of 15-20 min before you head out.
Yes, if you are used to doing your core routine after your primary endurance training workout then please go for it or you can take an take a short break of 15-20 min before you head out.
We hope every participant will be a winner since their fitness level and core will improve by the end of 21 days. On the 21st day, every participant will be asked to hold a plank for the longest possible time they can and upload that information in the Yoska app. Basis that information we will subsequently publish a leader board which will be available on the Yoska website.
For example, if you are completely unable to do upper body exercise due to an injury then it is fine to skip them, just increase the repeats of other exercises in the workout could be lower body exercises or others.On the other hand, if you are able to do a certain exercise but due to past injury you feel like taking additional breaks OR can do only at lower intensity, then it is still better than fully skipping it.So pls. listen to your body and do appropriately.
Focus should be on quality and not quantity. Try to do as many counts / repeats without compromising the form. While you may push yourself a bit, don't try and overdo else you might get injured. If in case you are unable to do as many repeats / counts as per the plan it is alright.
You can either do the workout after having the first meal of the day. Just make sure you leave a gap of 2 hours if you are doing so. You can also do your workout 1 hour before breaking your fast, in this case you might feel a little weak. So make sure you tone down your workout intensity as per how your body feels.
It’s perfectly fine to reduce the duration of each exercise by a few seconds. You should especially consider doing this if you have a really low fitness level or if you feel like you are losing form of the exercise that you are doing.
Yes its okay to stop earlier if you feel any discomfort. You will get better with time.
Yes it’s okay to do the easier version of any workout.
Click the pencil icon in Yoska web application or android mobile application to get into edit mode and update the actual time or how you felt. If you are on iOS app then you can directly edit the workout.
In case some of the exercises are isolated with one leg or one side of your body, for example, single leg squats, it means you need to do left leg for the mentioned duration and then repeat the other leg for the mentioned duration. Same applies for example, side plank or any other exercises, meaning, each side needs to be done for the mentioned duration individually.If any rest break is mentioned it shouldn’t be taken while switching from one side to another, but it should be taken once after both sides is completed.
The goal of the athlete determines whether he should opt for circuit training or working out a particular body part.If the goal is to burn more calories and work on different body parts in a single workout where the rest period is very less b/w exercises then circuit training is suitable. It is a good way to burn calories by reducing the stress on tissues as different parts are worked in the given time.On the other hand, the regulator interval training with a regular rest periods help in the building up of muscles and achieve muscle growth.The ideal plan should consists of two days of Circuit training and three to four days of interval training as too much of anything is bad.The aim is to TRAIN SMARTER NOT HARDER.
Not having muscle soreness is a sign of good recovery. It’s not that critical to keep a tab on metrics like HRV if you are just doing the workout prescribed by Yoska. But yes it’s always good to keep a close eye on your RHR as it shows how well your body is resting and adapting in general to the new workout routine.
Yes it is alright to break the exercise duration in two different sets in this case.
That was a system error and you are not supposed to do that variation.
Pls. refer question No 39 in FQAs section
You can do a simple shavasan pose to completely relax your body as cool down post the workout.
Pls. refer question No 40 in FQAs section
Pls. refer question No 41 in FQAs section
Happy to know that you like the workouts. Given the fact that you have been off strength training for a while it’s alright to not be able to finish a few workouts. As soon as you notice you are losing your form please stop doing that particular exercise as its better to skip one than to do it with incorrect form. T Please be diligent about the plan and you will see gradual progress.
Refer to FAQ no. 36
While there are other platforms, zoom is one of the acceptable platforms by most companies and is currently the one we are able to support.
Please do not do any exercises which involve shoulder . You should just stop doing an exercise as soon as you sense a feeling of discomfort.
Yes you can do full body stretches post your workouts. Refer to this link for following the same -
The feedback is for you to tell us how you felt after the workout. You can put a smiley for the same. Also fill up the time taken as sometimes people may take more or less to finish and the workout time. This helps us to get an understanding on how the workout went for you.
Sure we will try to include the cat and camel pose.
Refer to FAQ no. 42
The exercise is supposed to be done for 40 sec per leg.
Yes it is okay for your kid to do an one hour warm up before he actually starts the given routine for the day.
You don’t have to include the additional warm up that you do by yourself.
Just follow the exercises that are given to you for the next 2 weeks and at the end of to weeks you will be able to get a new PB time for your plank time. You can cool down by just lying down in the shavasan position for 5 min.
You will be able to find all the necessary information in the Yoska app.
You should always exhale during exertion. For example - while doing ab crunches, we exhale when we crunch and inhale while we go back.
Yes,if you feel you have some energy left in your body you definitely can push for one more set.
67. In plank exercise, can I do either full plank or elbow plank? which is better for stronger core?
Elbow planks are more effective for building your core.
Yes, you can do that just make sure it's stable enough to keep both elbows at the same height.
It's alright to mix and match the exercises a bit if you can't follow the sequence as is.